Bulgarian rock band created by Konstantin Markov and Alexander Petrunov in 1976 and existed until 1990. Many people believe that the group cease-existent in 1986, but in fact it happens four years later. Between 1986 and 1990 the band played in the Nordic countries.
- A1 Оловният Войник (The Lead Soldier)
- A2 На Тридесет И Пет (At Thirty-Five)
- A3 Бъди Какъвто Си (Be What You Are)
- A4 До Последен Дъх (Till The Last Breath)
- B1 Черно-Бяла Снимка (A Black-And-White Photo)
- B2 Неделя (Sunday)
- B3 Закъсняла Любов (Late Love)
- B4 Делник (Workday)
- B5 Така Стоят Нещата (That's How Things Are)
- B6 Циркът (The Circus)